Municipal Policies
Accessibility Policy
The Corporation of the Township of Matachewan is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.
We believe in integration, and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility equirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws
Code of Conduct
The Council of the Township of Matachewan is committed to achieving the highest standards of conduct in its actions which is essential to maintaining and ensuring public trust and confidence in the Municipality’s decision-making and operations. Township of Matachewan Council members shall act in an accountable and responsible manner, with integrity and fairness in the decision-making process.
Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes for 2019-2022
All By-Laws 2012-2023
Matachewan Council